The weather wasn’t cooperating for this particular family session but you couldn’t even tell from all the smiles that were given. The wind was whipping around the red rocks for Simply Shelby by Jana for her southern Utah family session. She had the cutest family to work with who was willing to fight the wind to get their session done. All the kids cooperated so well for Jana and she got some really fantastic photos of everyone. The kids loved playing in the sand and everyone left with sand in all of their clothes and hair. But its one of those sessions that you and  your clients will always remember. The windy sandy shoot that was so phenomenal for all involved. And I need to give a big shout out to the red rocks. Every time I have an associate shoot in southern Utah I can’t help but gush over how beautiful the colors are. It never ceases to amaze me. I love it down there. Simply Shelby by Jana is lucky enough to have the red rocks in her back yard and gets to see them everyday.  I can’t wait tell the next time I get down there. Its going to be magical.