So many brides and grooms don’t’ want to miss out on that first look but also want to get their formals done before their reception or wedding day. They want to be able to display some beautiful pictures of the two of them in their wedding attire which isn’t possible if its not done before hand. So if this is something that you are struggling with and don’t want to miss out on that special moment, we can still give you that special surprise as a part of your formal session. You can still get your grooms reaction while still getting a chance to print pictures off before your big day. Its really a win win for everyone honestly. And if you are looking for a beautiful spot to have your first look, this stunning location in Southern Utah that Simply Shelby by Megan used is top of the list. It is a beautiful location with very neutral colors that look gorgeous with any color pallet and wedding wear. This gallery is so stunning and Megan had the best clients in the world. So fun! We can’t wait to see their wedding day. Its going to be just as stunning. Congrats you two!!