We have a couple associates on the Simply Shelby team expecting right now and I am so excited for them. It is so rewarding to watch my team be able to work their business while also momming, working another job or going to school etc. Having the ability to work hard in all areas of your life while still putting your family first and being successful makes my heart full. That is one reason why I do what I do. The freedom of putting my boys first while also running my own business was and is everything I hoped it would be. It is ALOT of hard work but setting boundaries and prioritizing things that need to get done first, second etc has really helped my business sore while being a mom and wife first. Looking at this sweet maternity session that my associate Simply Shelby by Megan photographed has me reflecting on what a different journey everyone in life takes to get to where they are. Its hard work, its sacrifice, and its beautiful to watch.