What goes better with summer than sun, water, beaches and babies? The correct answer is nothing, nothing is better. So when my fun associate Simply Shelby by McKayla had the idea to do a Little Tykes summer beach day session I knew hands down that nothing could go wrong. And I am happy to say that I was right. Her mini Little Tyke sessions turned out so stinking cute. She had the absolute best clients and all of their galleries are full of some really fun, sweet, and adorable moments. I wish I could literally share all of them with you because they are so cute. You would be here all day, so I won’t do that to you. But just know that they are SO good!! If you are ever looking for unique and fun sessions like this for your kids, you’ve got to be following along with McKayla and all of our other Simply Shelby team associates. They are always coming up with fun sessions that you’re not going to want to miss out on. Cheers to summer and cheers to cute summer sessions with sun and water and beaches and babies. ;0)