There might not be anything better than spending a warm summer night shooting family sessions. I literally love them so much and get so excited each and every time I have a client schedule a family session with me. Capturing the family unit in the here and know and getting everyone together in front of the camera is a huge for me. I know what its like not to have as many pictures with your loved ones as you wish you could of had. Life is beautiful and every changing. Taking the time to capture your loved ones all together at least once a year is a high priority for me. I want each of my clients to feel that way too. Life is to short not to be together with the ones that you love and creating memories that you can keep on film for years and years to come. This beautiful summer evening family session was photographed by my kind associate Simply Shelby by Lindzee. She lives in Wyoming and I am so happy that we have her on the team.