Adding a newborn to your family brings in a bag full of mixed emotions. No matter if this is your first child, second, fourth of fifth. The dynamics always change with another addition to the family. And that is good and challenging all at the same time. I know from experience that I had a ton of mixed emotions before our second little boy was born. You some how are so excited and blessed yet feel guilty, anxious and nervous about how it will effect your first born and spouse relationship all wrapped up into one. It can be tricky but so beautiful too. I’ve learned over the years that the best philosophy is to take it one day, hour, minute, or moment at at time. Don’t worry about the what if’s and focus on there here and now. That was so helpful when navigating our newest babe. And as I sat an edited this adorable newborn session by Simply Shelby by Lindzee, I had flashbacks of bringing Louie home. All the emotions came flooding in. Motherhood is a trip and one that I will forever be grateful for. I am so happy for this sweet family and know how amazingly hard this new chapter will be.